Looking through most Fashion Magazines, there is a section for Beauty and Clothing, what is in Fashion, which scent you should be wearing, which make-up trend you should be keeping up-to-date with etc. Never does it ever say, just wear what you like, what you feel comfortable in, you don't need make-up, you are perfect as you are, you don't have to work out this week because you are not over weight or out of shape, you should be comfortable in your own skin. Obviously not, as this wouldn't sell any Magazines. So why do women and men buy magazines that make them feel inadequate? Do they do it to 'fit-in' or because they like to read it. We do it because we like to read about this sort of thing even if it does make us feel inadequate next to the picture-perfect-every-time models that show us how we should look. Looking through this months 'Glamour' Magazine nearly every single page is filled by a beautiful looking women and even some are beautifully chiseled men looking perfect (clearly airbrushed). The advertisements at the back are for plastic surgery and education to 'better yourself'. Looking through the contents page I can see interviews with celebrities (a reporter asking a famous person about their beauty regime, how they look good all of the time and if they have got any advice on how we can all stay in shape like they do), next is 'how to look great during sex' and other relationship stuff (for example; how to always look great for your man), the next couple of pages are about new diets and super-foods that keep you in shape, then we have the new haircut that everybody can pull off, every body needs and looks great with and a lot of pages of clothes that are overly expensive but super slimming and every woman needs them. Then we have all the new creams and serums that banish cellulite and expel every lump and bump you have out of place. And we still buy these Magazines every month even though they make us feel bad about ourselves, we end up buying these products, knowing they could never work and wearing ridiculous clothes because they are in-fashion but everyone loves a 'good read' and likes to see the 'pretty pictures'. This is why the Fashion Industry is a £20 billion a year industry!
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